Saturday, March 3, 2012

I Want You

I am scared
Your silent assault threatens to envelop me
bane of my wisened heart
hopeful fool tripped to bended knee
sweet bitter panacea of my soul
flowery scent of Cupid's lies stain your lips
covetous whispers and uncertainty
shadow burdened sun blighted bosom
yearning for your reflection in this tricksome mirror
I want you

Monday, May 16, 2011

Sole Perfection

Melancholy promises from an echo of joy

I sit, a pristine toy

Bright, Colorful, Beautiful, a Masterpiece

......Glaringly incomplete

Haunted by the shadowy little hands that do not discover my hidden contours

and flashes of toothy smiles as I lay at akward angles

My garish newness missing the telltale wear that should scream

I'v shared in your world

Brought a contented sigh to you lips just once

Lay at the feet of your happiness

Tattered and yet more substantial

I mourn my pristine reality

my heresy of perfection

Shadow Dream

A trail of fiery tears fill my every breath

Ephemeral footprints constrict my soul

The whispers of your touch taste of unfulfilled promise

The sweet harmony of your existance and reality

To my heart's mind a discordant profane note

Your breath, a siren song

A comforting lullaby

A battle cry flung against the void

I let myself succumb to your music

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I am the truth

the sun that illuminates our earth

the smile that warms your heart

the laughter that nourishes your soul

and yet….

With no lies the truth is meaningless

With no moon the sun is a blight

With no tears a smile is empty

And sorrow makes laughter all the sweeter

My Truth longs for falsehood

My sun for dusk

My smile for the salty catharsis of tears

I am..…..alone

Quiet Reflection

I sit here waiting for a perfect springtime bloom

As the seasons ebb and flow your illusive light teases at the heart of my darkness

A faint memory of your infinite joy seduces the edges of my consciousness

Thoughts of unearthing your heavenly being consume me

And yet I cannot find you…..

What illusive perfection is this that cannot be fathomed?

Can the crude shadow I project on the wall of my reality truly capture your essence?

Do I presume too greatly in defining your spritely beauty?

Were you abloom in my presence

Would I be so crass and assuming as to be oblivious to your transcendence

Or Confine you instead as a nameless barbed rose

to be scorned, maligned and robbed of your air of sweetness

Flaunted in your beauty to appease my vanity

then forgotten like an inconvenient fantasy

which quickly fades like many a ripple on a moonlit pond

these ghosts of imperfection that haunt me cast an eerie reflection

a watery distortion in which my visage stares back at me through your eyes

Monday, November 29, 2010

Fog of Humanity

Were I lying broken at your feet
would you give me the precious breath of time?
Would you keep my shrunken shadow bathed in your heart's light?
am I a priceless piece in the tapestry of your being
or.......a rather profane lie that rears its darkness with empty smiles and hollow sentiment
would you step over my shame as I beseeched kindness
A weakening strangled voice calling out names i thought you may remember
Would the deafening echoes be my only solace?


Is this love?
As I lay here temple laid bare for your eyes
Vulnerable to your touch
unable to breathe as your essence permeates my existance
Portals to your soul open
......and yet I remain unseeing
the Song of your smile and sorrows remains silent
unthinking thoughts of desire
climb distant peaks leaving doubt behind
lighting quick I lost in we
our wholes halved in an effort to be complete
then quickened pulses cool and peaks descend
we becomes me and us becomes you
portals close and songs remain unsung
I lay here naked
before my thoughts
Is this freedom?